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Auditorio Cubo Azul - UPV
Universidad Politécnica de València, España


04 Jul 2023


English & Spanish


Auditorio Cubo Azul - 3rd Floor - Access M & N



ValgrAI Scientific Council Forum 2023

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Our speakers

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Hourly Schedule

#VSCF2023 Agenda

9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:00h
10:00 - 10:45
Keynote: What's wrong with LLMs and what we should be building instead (English)
Large Language Models provide a pre-trained foundation for training many interesting AI systems. However, they have many shortcomings. They are expensive to train and to update, their non-linguistic knowledge is poor, they make false and self-contradictory statements, and these statements can be socially and ethically inappropriate. This talk will review these shortcomdifferentings and current efforts to address them within the existing LLM framework. It will then argue for a , more modular architecture that decomposes the functions of existing LLMs and adds several additional components. We believe this alternative can address all of the shortcomings of LLMs. We will speculate about how this modular architecture could be built through a combination of machine learning and engineering.
Tom Dietterich
10:45 - 11:15
Presentations Research Projects of ValgrAI Postdoctoral Researchers (6)
Adrián Colomer (UPV), Iván Giménez (UPV), Miguel Domingo (UPV), Sergio Cebollada (UMH), Wael El-Deredy (UV), Carlos Marín (UJI)
11:15 - 11:45
Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:45
Presentations Doctoral theses ValgrAI Predoctoral Researchers (12)
Antonio Santo (UMH), Paula Soriano (UMH), Álex Martínez (UJI), Yanet Martín (UJI), Antonio Ferrer (UV), Bassam Hanna (UV), Nahuel Emiliano García (UA), Sandra García (UA), Beatriz Franco (UPV), Behzad Mehrbakhsh (UPV), Christian Pérez (UPV), Pablo Meseguer (UPV)
12:45 - 13:45
Entrepreneurship and creativity in times of Artificial Intelligence (Spanish)
Con el acceso a la potencia de la Inteligencia Artificial democratizado, la capacidad de idear soluciones originales a problemas reales cobra una importancia estratégica en cualquier negocio. Y eso es tarea, responsabilidad y oportunidad de las personas. Por esta razón la creatividad humana es la habilidad transversal más importante y más buscada por las empresas en su talento. Junto con la creatividad, la actitud emprendedora nos guiará en cualquier reto profesional. La era de la Inteligencia Artificial ha llegado para quedarse: mapearemos situación actual, implicaciones, desafíos y oportunidades. Originalidad, emoción, diferenciación… creatividad, emprendimiento... ¡Eleva tu capacidad profesional a la potencia de la Inteligencia Artificial!
Jesús Hijas
13:45 - 15:00
Lunch break
Marco Dorigo
15:00 - 15:45
Keynote: Self-Organizing Nervous System for Robot Swarms (English)
Typically, robot swarms coordinate through self-organization. With the proposal of the self-organizing nervous system concept, we study how self-organisation can be made more powerful as a tool to coordinate the activities of a robot swarm by adding some components of hierarchical control. In the presentation, I will give a brief overview of the self-organizing nervous system and then illustrate the first steps we have made in implementing it in a heterogeneous swarm composed of drones and ground robots.
Marco Dorigo
15:45 - 17:15
Application of AI in valgrAI partner companies
S2 Grupo, Hidraqua, Idrica, Nunsys, Hewlett & Packard Enterprise, IVI RMA Global
Adriano Galano, Cristina Baixauli, Lorena Bori, Luis Búrdalo, Pablo Alcoriza, Patricia Tamarit
17:15 - 18:45
AI Challenge: Generation of Innovation Ideas with AI for companies (Collaborative Challenge) (Spanish)
Team dynamics for the generation of innovative ideas to be applied in real business processes. A dynamic will be established to learn about a real company, its processes and opportunities. The teams will identify AI application opportunities within the value chain. The teams will generate a stack of ideas and define projects for the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence technologies in the company. Participating companies are S2 Grupo, Hidraqua, Idrica, Nunsys, Hewlett & Packard Enterprise, IVI RMA Global
Tom Dietterich
Tom Dietterich
Oregon State University
Oregon State University
Jesús Hijas
Jesús Hijas
Human-centric Tech Business Advisor | Creative Entrepreneur
Human-centric Tech Business Advisor | Creative Entrepreneur
Marco Dorigo
Marco Dorigo
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Adriano Galano
Adriano Galano
Sales Specialist AI & High Performance Computing, HPE Southern Europe
Cristina Baixauli
Cristina Baixauli
Dinapsis Valencia Director
Director at Dinapsis Valencia
Lorena Bori
Lorena Bori
Biology Specialist at IVI RMA Global
Biology Specialist at IVI RMA Global
Luis Búrdalo
Luis Búrdalo
R&D at S2 Grupo
R&D at S2 Grupo
Pablo Alcoriza
Pablo Alcoriza
CTO at Idrica
CTO at Idrica
Patricia Tamarit
Patricia Tamarit
Product Manager at Nunsys
Product Manager at Nunsys