Master’s Degree in Computational Statistics and Data Science for Decision Making

Miguel Hernández University.
The Miguel Hernández University (UMH), officially Miguel Hernández University of Elche, is a Spanish public multicampus university in the province of Alicante whose main campus is in Elche.
Campus: Universidad Miguel Hernández
Duration: 1.500 hours
Method: Face to face learning
The curriculum provides specific skills and competencies to participate in all decision-making processes that are based on data — from the acquisition of data, its processing & treatment, to its analysis and extraction of information/knowledge from it, to ultimately conclude with the generation and/or analysis of alternatives in decision making.
In this sense, this master instills advanced knowhow in the fields of mathematics, computer science, and artificial intelligence, which allows responding to the growing needs of organizations to arrive at decisions based on the information and knowledge extracted from data.
Adressed to
The Master’s in Computational Statistics and Data Science for Decision Making should interest university graduates with training related to statistics, mathematics, and computer science who seek advanced multidisciplinary training that enables them to make decisions based on information and/or knowledge extracted from data sets, generally large ones, including the Big Data paradigm, by applying techniques from data science and computational statistics.
Recommended undergraduate educational qualifications for program applicants
- Business Statistics, Statistics, Statistics & Business, Applied Statistics, and that similar.
- Mathematics, Mathematical Engineering, Computational Mathematics, Computational Mathematics & Data Analysis, and that similar.
- Data Science, Data Science & Engineering, Mathematical Engineering in Data Science, Data Analysis, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, and that similar.
- Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering of Services & Applications, Mathematics & Computer Science, and that similar.
- Physics, Engineering Physics, and that similar.
Individuals with research vocations in fields related to statistics, optimization, applied mathematics, and decision-oriented computing are also welcome.
Admission criteria
For access to official education at the master level, possession of the following is required:
- An official Spanish university undergraduate degree of bachelor or the equivalent, a Spanish university degree of master, or degree(s) of the same level as the Spanish degree of bachelor or master conferred by universities and institutions of higher education from a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that entitles access to master’s education in such country.
- Furthermore, access to master’s education in the Spanish university system may also be granted to individuals possessing degrees from educational systems outside the EHEA that are equivalent to an undergraduate degree. In these cases, such degrees do not require homologation, but they do require verification by the UMH that said degrees represent an educational level that is equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degree and that they entitle access to graduate education within the issuing country. Access this way does not provide for, under any circumstance, homologation of the degree the interested party holds or its recognition for anything besides acceptance into a master’s program.
- Likewise, undergraduate students who have yet to complete their undergraduate final degree project and have as many as 9 ECTS credits remaining from completing their undergraduate curriculum are also eligible to enroll in a university master’s program; however, they may not be conferred the master’s degree unless they complete their undergraduate program beforehand. Admissions priority shall be given to applicants who possess official undergraduate degrees.